Updates to David Taylor's Software - 2005

This page lists the changes made to my applications during 2005.  Recent updates

Date Application Notes
2005 Dec 31 GRIB Viewer  V2.0.4 - support EUMETSAT multi-sensor precipitation estimate, add [NameEnding] section to GRIBviwerGroups.ini file, allow combining of TAR files through GRIBviewerGroups.ini, require GRIBviewerGroups.ini for combining CLM, CLAI & CTH, display correct caption for UV data, shorten tab name for wind data, include level name in wind data, match vector wind display with level where possible, some speed optimisations - so please check function carefully.
2005 Dec 28 Ground Map
Remap APT & HRPT images, geostationary images, Blue Marble images, to standard map projections
V2.0.0 - add batch mode support, add geostationary satellite image input support (Met-5, Met-7, Met-8 channels 1..11 [at native resolution] FSD-GMS, FSD-GOES-E, FSD-GOES-W [EUMETCast FSD]), add Plate-Carree input option (choice of full-world (2:1 aspect) up to 10800 x 5400, West/East (1:1) images up to 10800 x 10800, NW/NE/SW/SE (2:1) images up to 10800 x 5400, arbitrary rectangle specified by filename, e.g.  030w90n060e20n.jpg), add Windows XP theme support, remove bug causing hang on third auto-MPL file.
2005 Dec 13 MSG Data Manager  V1.5.6 - trap faulty floating-point values when read in, try to cure disappearing cursor in detailed image problem.
2005 Nov 21 MapToGeo
Convert map images to geostationary projection
V1.0.4 - add MTSAT-ABCD and MTSAT-CD segments for WEFAX data, reduce the chance of Windows "Not Responding" status, optional alternative lower-memory but slower Remap method.
2005 Nov 11 MSG Data Manager  V1.5.4 - support -FSD as a startup parameter to display FSD images, add optional receiver space check and purge, support new NOAA-18 MHS ATOVS data, support new MPEF CRM data (needs eToken enabled, data is in GRIB2 format), MPEF GRIB data now saved with .GRB file extension, support new MTP naming format, support new MTSAT-1R data, support new SAF LSA data, add button to check if Received Path choice is correct, add support for BMD RA VI files - data will be stored under the DWDSAT tree, right-click detailed image for new automatic update options, wide range of boundary and grid overlay colours, automatically save data over Windows closedown, honour "dates in folders" for all file types.
2005 Nov 10 GRIB Viewer  V2.0.2 - add read-out of data value at station location (use File, Setup menu to define station location, right-click status bar to show data value, location is temporarily marked on current display), revise DPDS SSTTA098 label to just "Temperature".
2005 Nov 07 GRIB Viewer  V2.0.0 - add support for the newer GRIB-2 data format, support new EUMETCast data files - CLM CLAI CTH data, scale overlay on CTH data, wildcard support for latest data, support EUMETCast CRM data, support selected UK Met Office DPDS data (winds in knots), allow user-defined grouping function, add File|SaveAs function, add command-line parameters for controlling program running and overlay graphics, provide automatic parameter substitution in output file name for year month day etc., choice of JPG or PNG output, provide choice of wind vector display size and data interpolation method.
2005 Nov 05 WXtrack
Satellite orbit prediction
V3.5.0 - allow number of decimal digits in EasyComm I to be controlled, add user-specified ground stations and caption, add option to override or add channel prefix for Bob Barnes CX6DD variant, ensure antenna is at AOS azimuth at wake-up, provide option to generate screen dump every update (for remote operation), add right-click option to Next Pass display for UTC or local time readout.
2005 Nov 05 SlideShow V2.3.0 - display number of slides correctly when starting up, when closing a slide-show: remove file name from application caption and remove status line text, rename sorter form as "Slide Show Sorter".
2005 Nov 05 TVwriter V2.3.0 - add experimental 1280 x 768 output size.
2005 Nov 04 MapToGeo V1.0.2 - add right-click fit-to-screen/full-zoom control, provide suggested filename in File|SaveAs menu, provide option to use square west/east images, provide option to use A/B/C/D images (NW, NE, SW, SE), change initial save location to MyDocuments, add Help|About menu item.
2005 Oct 02 ShowMan
Disk space usage piechart display
V5.2.6 - improve display when using Large Fonts, display the status bar with optimum panel widths.
2005 Sep 25 MSG Animator  V2.1.2 - add full disk animation option, add Maximised (full-screen) size option, enhanced land/sea palette support.
2005 Sep 24 ShowMan V5.2.4 - make application title reflect scanning/finished status, enable Form, Maximise button, allow Backspace to go up one level, add option to show occupied disk for sparse files.
2005 Sep 23 HRPT Reader  V2.6.2 - Options, Overlay, user-text updates for registered users (provide option to locate caption within the images, optionally, selectively add text to all image types), automatically recognise pass for EUMETSAT AVHRR file names.
2005 Sep 22 Pass Control  V3.0.8 - support new NOAA-18 APT frequency (137.10MHz).
2005 Jul 24 SatSignal
APT and WEFAX decoder
V4.2.0 - add NOAA-18 support, add option to disable auto satellite type and force NOAA, add Question icon to some message dialogs, add optional overlay on channel A (visible), increased tolerance of imperfect image and wave inputs, improved HLS colours to display low-temperature clouds, extra histogram equalisation strength options, refine vegetation colours, prevent UNC filename parameter from causing error, fix overlapping SNR display.
2005 Jul 21 HRPT Reader  V2.6.0 - add French language Help file and read-me file.  Many thanks to Jean-Louis Fenasse.
2005 Jul 17 Pass Control  V3.0.6 - provide full control of COM port parameters.
2005 Jul 11 GeoSatSignal
Process images from geostationary weather satellites
V5.0.2 - major upgrade, please see the release notes here.
2005 Jun 29 MSG Animator  V2.1.0 - add land/sea mask for channel 12 HRV data, add thermal scale display (right-click the image), show existing country boundary file name when changing it, warn that animations may need to be re-started after changing the boundary file, don't auto-show animations which are not enabled, add support for full-width HRV images, add reminder to user to restart the program when changing HRV region.
2005 Jun 29 MSG Data Manager  V1.5.2 - add optional image timestamp to copyright notice, improved annotation colour choice, increase range of DWDSAT files supported, add optional purge of old Admin, Daily-log, News & Report text files, recognise both old and new daily-log names, treat CTH and CLAI as binary GRIB2 data, provide new full-width (11136 pixels) HRV images, provide per-channel save format choice.
2005 Jun 27 HRPT Reader  V2.5.8 - add Flatten Illumination for the per-channel images (overrides histogram equalisation if selected, applies only to the visible channels, does not apply to mid-IR waveband channel data), allow control of RGB to channel mapping from the command-line, add preliminary support for NOAA-18.
2005 Jun 12 SatBatch
Automation for SatSignal
V1.8.4 - add NOAA-APT-only option, arrange options menu alphabetically.
2005 May 31 GRIB Viewer  V1.3.0 - update for newer model-ID OSI-SAF NAR SST files, add extra zoom option.
2005 May 31 Sea-Ice & SST Viewer  V1.3.0 - Honour -SAVE:<folder-name> for saving animations in batch mode
Accept revised data format (since 2005-02-28-1200)
Add option to save text and overlay with images
2005 May 29 SatBatch V1.8.2 - allow user control of minimum pass duration to be processed, pass NOAA-18 as model name when appropriate, add NOAA-6 to deselection options.
2005 May 27 Pass Control  V3.0.4 - support NOAA18 actual frequency and Kepler data name.
2005 May 24 CorrectGeometry  V1.4.0 - more tolerant at handling incorrectly formatted input .BMP files.
2005 May 23 WXtrack V3.5.0 - restore GPS functions with new Space-Track Kepler names, allow COM port numbers up to 8, enhanced ISS station name display, left-click on World Map selects satellite even if location popup is hidden, right-click on main map now gives multiple choices [show next available pass, point antenna at map location (for HF operators), show or hide satellite summary box], add pass filtering by maximum elevation, revise option for choosing the map centre longitude, make sunrise/sunset available in local time or UTC, preliminary NOAA-18 support.
2005 May 21 SatBatch V1.8.0 - add NOAA-18 support, honour Windows XP themes.
2005 May 20 Kepler Manager
Automated Kepler data updates
V1.2.2 - add NOAA-18 support.
2005 May 02 Kepler Manager V1.2.0 - accept KeplerManager.ini as additional source for historic Kepler request.
2005 Apr 13 TVwriter V2.2.8 - rename Clear button to "Empty output", increase warning severity for the Clear button, add option to start numbering higher than the default, add option to make new folder in Browse for Folder dialog, add further quality level option for saving.
2005 Apr 13 Pass Control  V3.0.0 - version for new RX2 frequencies with GEO PIC 1.0, start support NOAA-18 and NOAA-19, replace "Height" with "Altitude",  V3.0.2 add SICH-1M
2005 Mar 27 MSG Animator  V2.0.8 - support up to 30 animations, allow longer animations (more than 5 days), allow use of 256 pixels wide CLUT for visible channels, allow use of 361 pixels wide CLUT (-120°C..+60°C), allows the use of the new Ton Lindemann CLUTs, extend internal temperature range displayed, add correct thermal mapping for water-vapour channels, add check mark to menu for enabled animations, add station marker option, add check on disk free space (100MB free required), add Windows XP theme compatibility, save animation enabled/disable state whenever it is changed.
2005 Mar 27 MSG Data Manager  V1.5.0 - add support for 8-bit raw count PGM files with Met-5 and Met-7 data, honour advanced HRIT overlay and job-number settings in LRIT channels, add Copyright overlays to the north HRV image, add optional overlays to LRIT images when saving, when purging OSI SAT data, include .TXT.GZ and MULTI*.GRB files, increase range of DWDSAT files supported, support LOG service messages, in their non-standard format!, honour Windows XP themes, force data paths to have trailing "\" if edited manually, trap case where persistent images cause HRV channel width error, trap bad 8-bit JPEG data in the input stream.
2005 Mar 17 GRIB Viewer  V1.0.6 - display descriptions of sea-ice Type and Edge data, add choice of boundary colour, Support newer sea-ice data classifications introduced 2005 Feb 28, support OSI-SAF FRA data introduced 2005 Mar 15, support Solar Surface irradiance data type, support Downward Longwave Irradiance data type, support Northern & Southern Hemisphere projections, support OSI-SAF LML SSI SST & DLI files, support OSI-SAF MAP DLI and SSI files, support OSI-SAF NAR SST files, display descriptions of sea-ice Type and Edge data, add choice of boundary colour.
2005 Mar 06 HRPT Reader  V2.5.6 - accept .FY1D extension for FengYun data (as well as .FY1C), detect and process 16-bit CHRPT data in big-endian byte order, allow NOAA and vegetation views for FY1D data ( warning - this data may be not be calibrated, use at your own risk!), improve robustness against 16-bit data format errors, add Options -> Overlay -> user-text for APT image, try to use the first four digits of the filename to resolve year ambiguities, add -RGB and -UserRGB tabs for command-line operation, some updates for the new NOAA V3 L1B format, allow UNC filename as parameter.
2005 Mar 04 Image Viewer  V2.2.2 - centre display better, fix height when unzoomed problem.
2005 Feb 28 Image Viewer  V2.2.0 - fit to screen dimensions a little better, provide right-click option for full size (JPEG only), convert relative file name to full file name, don't require the run-time library package.
2005 Feb 26 SGP4 Component  Les Hamilton's VB5 demo has been updated.
2005 Feb 23 Kepler Manager V1.1.4 - minor text update.
2005 Feb 16 WXtrack
Satellite orbit prediction
V3.4.8 - add pseudo-scan parameters for GPS satellites, provide Ephemeris "in the next N hours" prediction function (registered), provide link to KeplerManager (registered), more hint information on pass-date calendar control (registered), add warning about end of CelesTrak Kepler data, trap error when using non-scanning satellite on the Flight tab, restore broken 5-point scanline.
2005 Feb 15 Kepler Manager V1.1.2 - add ISS to historic Kepler data.
2005 Feb 03 Kepler Manager New program.  V1.1.0 - first released version, allow historic Kepler data to be anywhere.
2005 Jan 30 AutoGet V4.1.4 - updated URLs for Bracknell, mid-Atlantic & north-Atlantic 500MB and NW Pacific cyclone.
2005 Jan 28 TVwriter V2.2.6 - improve display for large-font systems, add Help for the registration dialog.
2005 Jan 28 SlideShow V2.2.6 - version number update only.
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Copyright © David Taylor, Edinburgh   Last modified: 2015 Jan 18 at 09:32