Updates to David Taylor's Software - 2003

This page lists the changes made to my applications during 2003.  Recent updates

Date Application Notes
2003 Dec 16 AutoGet
Automated Internet file retrieval
V4.1.0 - remove GMS-5 from view and from -ALL command, update Bracknell source, add mid-Atlantic 500mb forecast, allow for current data access to RSS, update for change in Eumetsat archive format, add new high-resolution GSFC tab.
2003 Dec 16 GeoSatSignal
Process images from geostationary weather satellites
V4.1.0 - tweak MSG-1 projection for HRV origin at 0 degrees, correct IR channel mapping to match new HRV origin, support northern HRV mini-segment, extend MSG-1 thermal calibration to false-colour images (assumes that MSG DM has the Thermal calibration option checked per channel), use thermal calibration as published for GMS-5 over MSG-1 FSD, open land/sea Mask files to allow sharing with other programs, add Fire overlay option which uses MSG-1 channel 4 (mid-IR), add background overlay mode (pro version only), improve output image contrast in Stretch mode, display channel name correctly on Water-vapour tab, accept Admin messages from either Meteosat-7 or MSG-1, replace rain overlay support with Ton Lindemann's data, add support for North America overlay, add support for mid-Atlantic overlay, add support for Australia and New Zealand overlays, improved thumbnail appearance, extend minimum zoom range to 1:9 (allows largest MSG-1 images to fit 640 x 480), support MSG-1 Foreign Satellite Data, support MSG-1 LRIT data, support MSG-1 data for world-view, optional: reprocess immediately after changing job, make animation smoothing a per-job setting, add Today-only animation option, add 3-minute and 5-minute animation intervals (for MSG-1 mini-scans), add File, Open latest... menu, honour user's print orientation when printing square images, run at lower priority if in batch mode.
2003 Dec 01 MSG Animator
Real-time animations of MSG-1 data
V1.3.0 - add bad-frame editing, allow for earlier image data.
2003 Dec 01 MSG Data Manager V1.3.0 - require changed message text before message file is updated, improved robustness with files containing bad data, improved low disk space detection, increase processing history record sizes, inform user when new data is being held over in case older data completes, position the last one or two segments of HRV correctly i.e. when the prolog is received before segment 24, start MPEF processing and segment logging - files will be .BFR+ and .GRB+ including text header - no allowance for missing or out-of-order segments - file types added to "Keep images" purge - mapping for boundaries on CLAI and CTH images added, increase scope of empty directory purge, distinguish between DCP and DCP_WMO when recording files, add reporting on DCP/WMO files, free up memory after saving non-HRIT images, calibrate against IMPF software values, increase default JPEG save quality for visual channels, include mode-A thermal calibration for GEOS-E and GOES-W data, update calibration table for GMS-5 (GOES-9) data (not dog-leg), enable thermal calibration by default, add quick display of previously saved messages, allow user choice of boundary data file, revise default HRIT channels enabled, add Meteosat-5 (IODC) support - suggested visible channel range (16, 1023, 140) - use and display thermal calibration from prologue file, revise manually set ranges in Advanced Setup (0..240, 255..1023), allow for saving of raw 10-bit HRIT data (pro version), add histogram measurement and display (pro version).
2003 Dec 01 ShowMan
Disk usage piechart
V5.2.0 - revise list box layout to separate filename and size, use Desktop Font for Status Box, List Box and Pie Chart, add Refresh tool button, add "Refresh from here" menu item, check under Large Fonts display, don't rescan under timer control if mouse button is pressed.
2003 Oct 13 MSG Data Manager V1.2.2 - improve clarity of boundary overlay on detailed image, use channel descriptions rather than numbers, add "LRIT" prefix to avoid ambiguity in descriptions, add GMS-5 temperature display on CTRL + mouse move, perform housekeeping ten minutes after start, then four hourly, accept and copy raw DCP & MDD (GTS) messages (no processing), log DCP & GTS file sequence number for dissemination quality control, add DCP & GTS files to Missing Segments report, add Late Segments to Missing Segments report, be more tolerant of late segments (they will also no longer be reported), recognise more FSD file names, use sequence numbers in text messages to trigger updates, make "Clear images" unchecked by default for better animations, correct PNG image quality when persistent images are enabled, correct I/O error 103 with truncated segment files or bad JPEG data, correct failure to display ReadMe file.
2003 Oct 13 MSG Animator V1.1.6 - provide speed control, add data path selection, provide additional time-controlled auto-update.
2003 Sep 30 MSG Animator V1.1.4 - remove beta code
2003 Sep 28 SlideShow V2.2.0 - more command-line parameters - A+/A- annotate slide show (with file name).
2003 Sep 28 TVwriter
write pics back to digital camera CF card for TV display
V2.2.0 - add optional thumbnail display, provide choice of output sizes (640 x 480, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 960, same-as-original), provide output quality choice, provide for overscan (TVs not showing the whole image), provide larger filename caption, create output folder if it doesn't exist, add Olympus naming support, add Sharp naming convention, add Sony DSC-S85 support, add Toshiba naming convention.
2003 Sep 24 WXtrack
Satellite orbit prediction
V3.4.0 - allow time/date setting on Radar plot, provide extended GPS reporting on Radar plot, provide quadrant selection on the GPS plot, provide enhanced user-defined radio TX/RX control (requires file Radio.ini in Keplers folder), add support for TRX-Manager, add solar outage times for geostationary satellites, allow for countries without daylight-saving time, correct time-to-next-pass when switching mode back from manual, don't predict passes for geostationary satellites.
2003 Sep 21 MSG Animator V1.1.0 - first release.  Five simultaneous, independent animations, updated in real time as new data becomes available.  Selection of channel and region subset, with country boundary overlay.  Looping and smoothing of animations, with optional histogram and contrast stretch image-processing functions.  Control over animation length with option to choose visible hours only.  Save an animation in standard AVI format
2003 Sep 20 SatSignal
Weather satellite signal decoder
V4.0.8 - update WEFAX decoding for GOES-12 (GOES-M), allow for time zones with no Daylight Saving time.
2003 Sep 10 HRPT Reader
Read HRPT data and produce false-colour interpretations
V2.5.2 - support SeaSpace raw format .hrpt files (16-bit data), support SeaSpace TeraScan L1B format .1B files, add palette option for vegetation, bypass warning messages during automated processing, new SST coefficient values for NOAA-17. 
2003 Sep 04 MSG Data Manager V1.2.0 - provide Help file, start MSG-1 Foreign Satellite Data support, revise LRIT saved image file names to use correct Eumetsat channel numbers, save HRV offsets across restarts,  centre lower HRV window on 0 degrees (optional), reduce disruption around HRV window split, save extra northern mini-segment of HRV image and make full HRV image save optional, use correct formal mapping for MSG-1 data, use formal calibration data for MSG-1 channel 9, record calibration data for MSG channels 1..12, allow thermal calibration of channels 4..11, improved handling of out-of-order segments, skip segments older than current data, update thumbnails during File|Open channel..., display acquisition time as thumbnail hint, add right-click menu to thumbnail (quick route to GeoSatSignal, choose job number in Advanced Setup menu, save current image), ignore GTS messages and delete them from source, revise sound names and displayed name in Control Panel, add audible warning of no recent received data (you choose the timeout!), add right-click menu to Detail Image (quick route to GeoSatSignal, save current image, show or hide country boundaries (needs Countries.dat), clear & histogram equalise functions, rapid switch to other wavebands), save scroll position for each channel, improved setup layout, change default gamma to 1.4 (including GOES-10/12), replace multiple delete raw image controls with a single setting, automatic save of new messages with notification (in \Images\Reports\ folder), provide missing segment diagnostics (will take 24-48 hours to gather), replace directory change notification by polling, multiple efficiency enhancements.
2003 Jul 16 HRPT Reader V2.5.0 - add support for .HMF data from Bern, add support for Bern L1B format (BRN.), support MapGen format boundary data (registered version), add MRU list, save RGB files with '-rgb' suffix, save UserRGB files with '-usr' suffix, add overlay-only tab - files saved with '-ovl' suffix, add save of location data for Dartcom 16-bit format, in batch mode - annotate corrected image rather than as-scanned, add APT-style image option to batch mode, support DCH4CH5 (chan 4 - chan 5) tab for batch mode, support full file-specification in -OUTPUT: parameter, add -MIN parameter for silent running, add Options|Cache display for working under Linux/Wine.
2003 Jul 12 MSG Data Manager V1.1.8 - honour HRV upper segment offset - centre on 0 degrees meridian (optional), provide control over JPEG save quality for visible and IR channel images, when reading a scan - be sure to set the slot name correctly, keep scan progress bar always visible, don't reset program caption when epilogue file received, moderate warning frequency when disk space exceeded, stop processing before giving disk space warning message, prove functioning with LRIT data (no gamma correction etc.), add optional folder prefixes for HRIT, LRIT etc., add command-line parameters -HRIT -LRIT and -START, try to avoid apparent hang when saving files on close, prioritise most recent text messages, correct recognition of NEWS etc. messages.
2003 Jun 10 MSG Data Manager V1.1.6 - add timer to query remote PC every 90 seconds, add encryption messages (EKM) to known header messages, add channel name as hint to detailed image, give channel-9 (IR_108) optional approximate GOES-A calibration, remove recent empty folders in the images and raw data trees, prepare for more text message types (news, timetable), add report on planned image coverage from prologue file, trap errors in WaveletDLL.
2003 Jun 08 GeoSatSignal V4.0.2 - use GOES Mode-A calibration for MSG-1 IR_108 channel, trap north-pole causing error in map setting routine.
2003 May 24 GroundMap
Remap APT and HRPT images to standard map projections
V1.3.6 - read paletted BMP files as well as 24-bit ones, add '-rgb' and '-usr' to known image file list, correct spurious lines on Mercator mapping, correct Lambert Conic Conformal projection for southern hemisphere, correct cursor location readout when zoomed out, Correct floating-point overflow with North/South pole and Mercator Zoomed projection.
2003 May 23 GeoSatSignal V4.0.0 - start MSG support (recognise .vis08/.ir108 visible/thermal, pprovide support for djt-MSG naming convention, support imprecise slot times (e.g. 0029, 0044), support mixed .PNG and .JPG where possible, add preset MSG-1 views for full-disk and Europe, add 3-channel visible combine, add Greyscale option for boundaries with no remap, add LandSea mask for MSG-1 full disk view), support OPEN_MTP for Eumetsat Archive Direct service, accept G12 in filenames as well as G8 for GOES-E, add remapping recognition for Meteosat 5 full scan, add control of lat/lon gridline spacing, allow overlay data to be in date-hierarchy folders, allow user to skip the manual alignment step, make the Thermal FC image optional (for low memory systems), update for RSS scan move to 10E, with CylEqDist projection, define default longitude span, support .ARA data (for Meteosat 7 only).
2003 May 20 MSG Data Manager V1.1.4 - allow saving visible as PNG files instead of JPEG, add optional automated purge of older image files, add manual save of log file (in addition to automated), tweak JPEG save quality up a little, allow save/restore of images across program restarts, add read of REG RPT files, save memory on permanently unused channels, by default - don't respond to any spacebar/enter presses, check free disk space during processing.
2003 May 18 ATOVS Reader V1.0.4 - add Atlantic region (matches Digital Atmosphere), draw 10 degree gridlines with Atlantic region, add choice of background colour.
2003 May 13 MSG Data Manager V1.1.2 - show user's name in Help, About box, add timestamp of ADMIN message display, add labels for each of the 12 channel thumbnails, add caption of capture time of current image set, add processing logs ..scroll to most recent entry on tab switch, make run light blink when active, allow for daylight-only visible channel capture, provide separate delete control over the ADMIN files, only stop scanning if user changes receiver path, provide individual control over channel gamma and offset, clear images when first segment received, not at prologue time, move Active and New Data LEDs to status bar, add confirmation check if user requests close while running, add File|Open channel command, add File|Scan channel command, add Save All command (to save manually processed or incomplete images), add mouse wheel support to scroll detailed image.
2003 May 10 AutoGet V1.5.8 - add Eumetsat Archive Direct data (bz2 compressed files), command line -EUAD, add MSFC Meteosat 7 data (Z compressed files), command line -MSFC, add EuLightning source, add file size check on EuRain/EuLightning data, add -DIAL command-line option for Internet connection, display bytes transferred when WinInet selected, fix Dundee changing INDOEX to IODC, fix GSFC changing G8 to G12, add username and password fields for Dundee images, maximum timeout increased to 1 hour, re-arrange tab order slightly, user-interface refinements, correct Eu Rain Radar for non UK/US systems, hide Nottingham tab while the service is down, skip Nottingham in command-line mode.
2003 May 09 ATOVS Reader V1.0.2 - add saving of display as JPEG image files, allow resizing of display, provide more map projections, provide choice of regions, display cursor brightness temperature and location, register explorer right-click for L1B files, display registered user name, tweak for Large Font display.
2003 May 05 MSG Data Manager V1.1.0 - new automatic program to assemble HRIT images from the segment files transmitted over the Eumetsat DVB service.  Includes notification of scan start and end, channel selection, raw data management, full resolution image viewing etc.
2003 Apr 28 WXtrack V3.3.8 - add "Radar" view form (for GPS support requires gps-ops Keplers), increase allowed tracker elevation and azimuth offsets, add Tools menu for quicker SatBatch invocation, support UNI_TRAC (through WiSPDDE software interface), add Function vs. MA table for UNI_TRAC (see: Tracker, Options, Radio), show MA in status bar hint (0..255), support reading of TBUS .ASC files as well as .TXT, support frequencies above 2GHz with WiSPDDE tracker.
2003 Apr 27 SatSignal V4.0.6 - make Confirm Pass dialog optional, ensure correct direction in overlay text when user flips the pass, add save of .LCN file for subsequent GroundMap processing, add save of plain overlay (as: '..._ovl_only.bmp'), add EasyOverlay toggle tool-button, add File, Page layout... menu, improve which sensor, which channel diagnostics.
2003 Mar 26 FTPpie
FTP Web space piechart utility
V1.4.0 - approximate folder space occupied as well, trap potential error with UNIX servers, don't require the Borland VCL40 run-time library.
2003 Mar 1 Find Duplicates V5.1.0 - correct missing out-of-order duplicate named files when the Require Same Name option selected, remove requirement for runtime library.
2003 Mar 07 CurveFit routine Updated test-bed to Delphi 5, corrected error when all Y values identical.
2003 Mar 01 NTPmonitor V5.0.6 - minor compatibility update
2003 Feb 22 CurveFit routine Added C++ source from Richard Kavanagh.
2003 Feb 22 HRPT Reader V2.4.8 - add GTI HRPT format support (.rhd files), correct GAC location data not saved, add batch support for channel tabs 1..5, add output file naming in batch mode.
2003 Feb 22 GroundMap V1.3.4 - recognise and map GAC images, show registered user name on Help, About dialog, startup at desktop centre location, correct failure to map around the International Date Line (IDL), correct missing gridlines around IDL, cure wrong colours on 16-bit video when saving to file, better display with large fonts.
2003 Feb 07 WXtrack V3.3.6 - use revised code for highly eccentric orbit prediction (e.g. AO-40), allow adjustment of lookback offset threshold (normally 90º), add post-pass resting channel to Götz Romahn/Bob Barnes CX6DD tracker variant.
2003 Jan 13 WXtrack V3.3.4 - support Chinese & Japanese MBCS degree symbol (CP 932, 936 and 950), reorganise show menu to reduce clutter, add more footprint display options, add satellite summary form (right-click on main display), show nearest city satellite summary and on (optional) mouse hint, add Mean Anomaly display to satellite summary, add world-wide city database for easier setup, roll-over date when hours alone updated, add choice of number of ground track orbits displayed, centre pass times on mid-pass in Ephemeris | Pass-Details list, enhance mutual visibility to allow setting satellite elevation required at both stations, add GPS number-of-satellites-visible prediction form, add support for $GPGGA GPS message, add support for KCTtracker under Windows 2000/XP (requires control software from on1cim), allow 180º azimuth offset for all trackers, add offset for Kenpro/Yaesu trackers in lookback (flipped) mode, make tracker-stop optional in Tracker | Point dialog, use priority when looking for next satellite to track, when using Auto-switch - don't track just because satellite is visible, add Kepler re-load from file, add end-of-pass batch command, add tracker gain controls (basic KCT tracker only), please check your parking co-ordinates.
2003 Jan 09 NOAAplot
Plot antenna performance
V1.2.0 - provide "good signals only" scale range option, add smoothing option for Azimuth plot, add visual scale for polar plots.
2003 Jan 02 HRPT Reader V2.4.6 - add simple AAPP format Level-1B support, extend user-specified temperature minimum to -90C, allow repeated mouse-down to continually step user-temp range, add CLUT option in False-colour in registered version, stop repeated drag-and-drop from Explorer overwriting Save Location, support Chinese & Japanese MBCS degree symbol (CP 932, 936 and 950), support boundaries on Dartcom HRPT data, rename Ferdinand Valk's FV algorithm to VI, revise final stage of VI false-colour algorithm, correct for bad year (2) in L1F header (by adding 2000).

Copyright © David Taylor, Edinburgh   Last modified: 2015 Jan 18 at 09:32