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Repeater Signal & Noise levels
Data taken from a simple folded dipole antenna, loft mounted. Measurements
made on an ICOM IC-R8600 with a custom program.
Noise and signal levels
are made from multiple measurements with the median value being plotted.
For noise, multiple multi-sample
runs are taken and the lowest median
plotted. For signal the repeater is triggered on and the highest median
- Updated daily, usually before 07:30 local time.
- Times are UTC.
- Spot values are plotted with a 7-day average trend line.
- The hardware for GB7EU was changed sometime between 2020-Apr-28 and 2020-May-03 resulting in a
level change.
- Something unknown happened to GB7SQ between 2020-Nov-30 and 2020-Dec-02
dropping the level by ~3 dB.
- A local source of interference (wireless doorbell chimes) was removed
after 2021-Nov-23 massively reducing noise.
- Antenna work on GB3ED and GB7EE on 2022-Jun-08 resulted in much stronger
signals here - I was in a null before!
- 2022-Aug-22: Issue with GB7SQ, temporary antenna from 2022-Aug-31.
- 2022-Sep-05: changed part of my local cable run, perhaps 1 dB signal
- 2022-Sep-07: Intermittent unknown weak carrier on 430.9205-430.9208 MHz makes
accurate noise level on
GB7EE impossible.
- 2023-Apr-18 - GB7SQ returned, but at a lower signal strength at this
- GB7SQ off air: 2024-March-08 to June-12, August-29 to October-10
- GB7EU off air: 2024-October-09-?

- Judging from the levels above, it seems that SNR is driven more by the
noise than the signal level,
although both GB3ED and GB7EE do show a gradual
level change.

- Noise is the simple average of the four dBm levels measure individually.

- Averaged noise levels versus the day of the week. Not sure there's a
lot to lean from this? A better presentation would be nice, but my
Excel isn't really up to it!

- Before lockdown, there was a clear pattern of lower noise at
weekends. As the antenna is in the middle of a housing estate
noise pattern will be different to a more industrial location. This is
a snapshot - it is not updated.
