Total Solar Eclipse - March 2006Meteosat-8 imageHere is a 4:1 resized image from EUMETSAT Meteosat-8 satellite, taken at 09:45 on 2006 Mar 29. The image has been processed using my GeoSatSignal software to combine the visible channel and thermal channel data to produce this false-colour image. For a short period, there is also a full-resolution version (2.4MB) of the same image available to download.
An Artefact?Mike McCaw e-mailed me and said he had noticed an artefact on the 0845 and 0900 images. This appears to be some sort of solar reflection from an area of water as part of the river Congo tributaries, but it is unusual to see an area of water sufficiently still to cause this. So perhaps it's a solar intrusion (direct sunlight getting past the optics onto the detector), but it does look awfully like it is related to the river system. What surprises me about this image is the apparent brightness of the reflection - normally the surface of water is not still enough to make it into a flat reflector! Here is a very detailed crop from the 1km resolution HRV (high resolution visible) channel 12 data.
There is a 1.5MB download of the full-disk channel 2 (0.8µm) image here: 2006-03-29-0900-msg-ch02.jpg Thanks to Mike for drawing my attention to this. Gordon Bridge (EUMETSAT) comments:
Earlier Meteosat-8 false-colour composite image
from 2004 Apr 23 at 0900
Movie from Meteosat-8 imagesUsing the GeoSatSignal software, a set of Meteosat-8 images like the one above have been combined to make an animation of the view of this eclipse from space. There are (currently) two versions available