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What PC do I need for EUMETCast?
People often ask "What PC do I need for EUMETCast"
to receive the data from Meteosat-8/9, and all the other services? On this
page, we try and answer that question. We start off with David Taylor's
recommendations based on five year's experience of EUMETCast reception, trying
systems, and listening to what other people have said works for them. The
second part of the information is sets of comments from users, starting with
comments from Arne van Belle who is probably one of the most experienced and most
knowledgeable person in this field outside EUMETSAT.
Many people now use a single PC for receiving and processing
just Meteosat-8/9 data if the PC is powerful enough, but a two-PC network is
recommended, with the lower-spec (and perhaps lower power consumption) PC
as the Reception PC with the DVB card or USB box, and the higher-specification PC as the
Processing PC, grabbing files off the Reception PC over the network.
If you intend to receive data from the polar orbiting satellites in the future,
the two-PC configuration is recommended. A two-PC system also allows your
main PC to be rebooted without loss of data.
You can ask about any particular configuration on the MSG-1
self-help group, where a thousand members with working systems can help!
Related information:
Popular Single-PC Configuration
A single Windows XP, Vista or Windows-7 PC configuration, given a powerful
Intel CPU
(2.8GHz or better, dual-core is better) and plenty of memory (at least 1GB) and an NTFS
disk format, can be
used for both receiving and processing the data - i.e. using the TelliCast
software and MSG Data Manager and MSG Animator on the same system. However, you must
try to keep other
disk-intensive, CPU-intensive or
network-intensive (TCP/IP stack) operations off such a single-PC system if you want to minimise
the risk of missing segments. This really means "try not to use this PC as
your main station PC". If you want to improve the robustness of a
single PC against missing segments, it is highly recommended that you use a RAMdisk.
The RAMdisk size depends on what data you take - my current (Oct 2008)
suggestions are: for MSG data + EARS-AVHRR data 50MB, for MSG + EARS-AVHRR +
Metop-AVHRR data 120MB, for the full Metop data set 250MB. Many people are currently using such systems
with excellent results, although such a configuration is presently considered as an
unsupported configuration both by EUMETSAT and by SatSignal software. Tests
have suggested that Intel CPUs produce a smaller segment loss in the single-PC
configuration. If
you are running Windows Vista, I suggest 2GB minimum memory, and 3GB if you can.
If you are running 64-bit Winodws-7, then use at least 3GB, preferably 4GB.
Be aware that the ASUS A8N SLI motherboard may be incompatible with the popular
SkyStar2 PCI card - the power tracks on the motherboard can be burnt out!
Use a DVBWorld or Dexatek USB box instead.
Running a VPN (Virtual Private Network) on
a single PC configuration is likely to stop reception as a VPN blocks other
network access. You can
ask on the MSG-1
self-help group if someone if using a similar system to what you propose.
If you are very careful, you may even be able to use a lower
specification single PC, perhaps an 800MHz processor with 512MB of memory, but
you may need to do some tuning of the system configuration to avoid missing
segments in the images. Arne van
Belle has demonstrated a very carefully tuned system working on a 400MHz PC
with just 384MB of memory! He uses a RAMdisk
to avoid missing segments.
Typical 2-PC configuration
- Processing PC - The MSG Data Manager and MSG
Animator software is intended for use on a
1GHz or better PC (2GHz or faster
desirable), with at least 512MB of memory, preferably 1-2GB if the HRV channel
or Meteosat 5 or 7 visible data is to be processed. Windows XP, Vista
and Windows-7 are supported. This Processing PC should be linked via a network connection to the PC receiving the DVB
EUMETCast data. It is recommended
that the Receiver PC offer a network share, to which the Processing PC maps a connection each time it is booted.
Be sure to grant write-access if you want the source files to be deleted by
the MSG Data Manager! Running a VPN on the processing PC is likely to stop it
seeing the receiver PC, although the receiver PC can continue to accumulate
files while the VPN is in use.
As the number of files can amount to many thousand during one day, you should be
aware that if you wish to keep the processed data files, you will need a file system
capable of handling that. FAT32 runs out of space near that limit,
with the long file names used by HRIT. Be sure to use the NTFS
disk structure, and this means using Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows-7.
Be aware that Windows 2000 is no longer supported, and some of my software
may not run correctly.
- Reception PC - EUMETSAT recommend a 2GHz/1GB RAM PC, but
initial tests have shown that when operating purely as a data capture PC, a
1GHz/512MB system is just adequate, and on my own 1GHz/512MB system I
used to see zero missing segments when receiving AVHRR data, Meteosat-7 and 8/9 data, and
the foreign satellite data from around the world. However, since Metop
data started, with its much larger files, I do see an occasional missing
Metop data chunk, at the rate of less than one chunk per day. At
28MB+, these chunks are some of the biggest single files received. I used to run a
550MHz system with few, if any, missing Meteosat 8/9 segments. I now run no
application software on
the Reception PC other than
the DVB reception applications (you could use anti-virus and firewall
software, which are arguably not needed, but these increase the risk of
missing segments or the need for increased activity by the automatic
TelliCast error correction functions.). Only Windows XP, Vista or
Windows-7 are supported.
Fast hard disks,
with as big a buffer as possible, and a fast connection (UDMA 66/100 or
serial ATA interface) will help minimise the chance of missing segments.
You will most likely want to add a 90-120MB RAMdisk
to reduce the disk load even further. Suggestion - start with what you can afford, but be prepared for an upgrade
if required. For reception of the Metop polar orbiting data, plan on at
least a 2GHz/1GB reception machine.
As the number of files can amount to 10,000 or more during one day, you should be
aware that if you wish to keep the data files before processing, you will need a file system
capable of handling that. FAT32 runs out of space near that limit,
with the long file names used by HRIT. Be sure to use the NTFS
disk structure.
Alternative 2-PC configuration
Arne van Belle has been running a slightly different 2 PC
configuration recently. He runs both the TelliCast software and the MSG
Data Manager on one PC, with the image files being transferred to a second PC at
the end of each 15-minute HRIT scan. This keeps the TelliCast received
directory with the minimum number of files, whilst not being dependant on the
second PC actually being available. The second PC can be switched on and
off as desired. There is more information here.
- Reception and First-level Processing PC - minimum
specification 1GHz Pentium III with 512MB of memory. 2 x 20GB disks,
on UDMA 66 or UDMA 100 interface, and disks to have 8MB buffer rather than
2MB. No interactive use. Software kept to absolute minimum,
running Windows XP, TelliCast tc-recv, and MSG Data Manager. MSG Data
Manager to have the Drop priority setting checked. For future
use, plan on at least 2GHz/512MB.
- Main Processing PC - fast and powerful!
Suggest 1GHz+ processor (2.8GHz recommended), 1-2GB of memory (3-4GB for
64-bit systems), plenty of fast
disk (60GB or more). DVD writer for image and animation
archives. Supported OS - Windows XP, Vista or Windows-7.
If you are stuck on a limited memory PC, you can reduce the
memory load by the following steps. Reduce the number of animations you
have active. In the MSG Data Manager, don't process
channels you don't need, or channels which have a high memory consumption while
being received. Look at the Process Channel checkboxes on the Setup,
Channel selection panel.
- Whatever channels you process as HRIT you don't normally
need also to process as LRIT.
- You may not need to process any of the WV (Water Vapour)
channels. Disable them.
- Of the Meteosat-8/9 IR channels, you may only need channels 4
(3.9µm) and 9 (10.8µm). Disable the other IR channels.
- You may not need the Meteosat-7 Indian Ocean data.
- You may not need the HRV data, but most will want it!
- Avoid the use of HRV data on the detailed images.
- The Full-Width HRV centring option will use more memory
than the other choices.
- The GOES-E, GOES-W and MTSAT-1R FSD only consumes memory
during the short time the image is being received every three hours, so you
might as well leave that enabled, but will be a greater load if the hourly
data is used.
- Data on the MPEF, MDD/SAF and Other tabs does not generally
consume lots of memory for long periods.
Data Volumes
EUMETSAT state that the expected data
volume is around 7000 files per hour (I think that's too high) totalling
540MBytes. If you take EARS data and RSS data that increases by
44MB. Therefore a full day's data would be about 15GB. If you
keep all 12 MSG channels, but save the images as JPEG not PNG, the saved
images amount to 1.1GB per day in 1152 files. Adding the EPS (Metop)
data increases these value significantly.
Typical PC loading
Using the Windows Task Manager, you can see
what sort of load you might expect on a processing PC. Here is a
screenshot during the reception and processing of a typical Metoesat-8/9
scan. You might expect a higher load at the end of a cycle if you
have animations to update. This particular PC appears to have a base
load of about 8% CPU. The peaks in CPU Usage (top graph) correspond
to the wake-up intervals of the MSG Data Manager, when new data from the
Reception PC is copied across the network and processed.
To invoke the Windows Task Manager, press the
Control-Alt-Delete keys at the same time. You can add a shortcut to
your Programs, Startup folder to run the Task Manager every time you log
on to Windows. The shortcut should have the target "taskmgr.exe"
(more pedantically: %windir%\system32\taskmgr.exe).
Program |
AMD-64 X2
Vista Ultimate |
Win-7 Ultimate |
Pentium 4 HT
Win-7 Ultimate |
USB 2 box |
SkyStar 2.6D
PCI card |
SkyStar 2.3
PCI card |
AVHRR Manager |
1.5% |
1.5% |
Memory |
20-50MB |
20-50MB |
Dexatek DVB software |
0.5% |
Memory |
<10MB |
Display Window Manager |
0.1-1% |
0.1-1.1% |
0-1.2% |
DWM on the Windows-7 systems seems to grow
without limit unless the mouse is moved, when it drops back to 30MB (1024
x 768 display) or 40MB (1600 x 1200 display). |
Memory |
45MB |
30-300MB |
40-300MB |
Metop Manager |
2% |
Memory |
130MB |
MSG Animator (Met-8, RSS) |
4% |
Memory |
30MB |
MSG Data Manager (Met-9 + more) |
8% |
10.5% |
11% |
Memory |
380MB |
450MB |
420MB |
MSG Data Manager (Met-8, RSS) |
9.5% |
About 0.1% when RSS not running. |
Memory |
125MB |
MSG Animator (Met-8, RSS) |
4% |
About 4.4%/30MB displaying and updating one
RSS animation, 5-minute updates, 2.9%/15MB displaying only (when the RSS
stopped). |
Memory |
30MB |
MST defragmenter |
0.8% |
0.7% |
0.8% |
Memory |
<10MB |
<10MB |
<10MB |
Server4PC |
<0.1% |
<0.1% |
Not sure I believe this figure. |
Memory |
<10MB |
<10MB |
tc-recv.exe |
2.5% |
13% |
4.5% |
Memory |
40MB |
30-40MB |
30-40MB |
Any PCs to avoid?
- One user reported
problems with an MSI motherboard MS-7235 Ver :1.1 P965 Neo - P4 Socket 775, and replacing the motherboard
with a Gigabyte P35-DS3-P cured these issues.
- The ASUS A8N-SLI motherboard is reported to blow tracks
when a SkyStar PCI card is plugged in! Use the Dexatek/DVBWorld
USB 2.0 hi-speed boxes with these PCs. These boxes are available from GEO.
The choice of PC depends on your usage of EUMETCast!
Personally I would say to fully benefit EUMETCast you do need to run your receive PC 24 hours to get all the data (like FSD) to be able to animate
hurricanes and typhoons for example. I have been using a Pentium III at 1 GHz with 512 Mb
RAM and 20 GB disc as receive PC since the start of EUMETCast with excellent results. With a receive only PC you could run with
only 192 or 256 Mb RAM.
Receiving 24 hours a day, processing, animating and doing the odd other tasks like mailing is not easy to do on a single PC.
Furthermore a full blown Pentium 4 running at night does use a lot more energy and produces more noise and heat.
My RX (receiver) PC uses about 60 to 100 watts, my P4 over 180 watts. But to be honest, you cannot buy Pentium III anymore and buying a second
hand one especially for EUMETCast is not recommended.
For the last year I have been using the same receiver PC to decode images too using
the MSG Data Manager. So on my second PC I get the decoded images over the network, run MSG
Animator, create AVIs using GeoSatSignal and archive some of the images to DVD or
CD. That leaves enough time to process photos, email and so on with this PC.
This second PC is equipped with 1 GB ram to make lengthy animations but runs only when I am present.
On the other hand if you only use the visual Meteosat-8/9 images and watch occasionally, you can easily do with a single PC setup.
So to make it short:
- If you do have a Pentium II or III with at least 600 MHz processor
and 256 Mb Ram, go for the dedicated RX PC and the two PC setup.
- If not then:
- Either A: you want 24 hour images/animations: use a moderate speed PC
(2 GHz for example if that is still on sale) with 512 Mb to RX and decode.
You can run MSG Animator too on this PC. Do the image editing/GeoSatSignal,
archiving and so on on a second more powerful PC.
- Or B: Buy the fastest Pentium (at least 2.8 GHz) with at least 1 GHz
RAM and fast discs. Run all on one PC but don't be surprised if you loose some
segments when doing other stuff on the PC, if it hangs you will loose complete images.
Operating System
I use Windows 2000 for RX and decoding and processing; bear in mind that this is the
EUMETSAT recommendation.
My RX PC does run month's with having to do any administering or a reboot.
As I don't internet / mail on this PC it does not need firewall, virus scanner, weekly Microsoft patches and so on.
I also have Windows XP Pro and after additional settings/tweaks it will do
everything Windows 2000 can. But it isn't as stable (yet) and the additional settings do need more
knowledge/computer experience. Don't try XP on a low spec "RX only" PC as it will only take more memory
and CPU and doesn't give any benefit in return.
About dishes
60 cm is fine, but I cannot comment on using these in Scotland and
Scandinavia, Turkey however.
Arne wrote a comprehensive article about multi-satellite
dishes in the GEO Quarterly number 20.
USB box or PCI card version?
[David Taylor comments] Today I would have no
hesitation in recommending the new Dexatek/DVBWorld
USB 2.0 hi-speed boxes. These have been tried and tested on Windows XP
and Windows Vista, and found to give excellent performance with little or no
segment loss. They don't need you to open up your PC, and can easily be
transferred between machines if you need that, and they don't run hot. I
recommend a direct connection, not via a hub. The boxes appear to have
none of the problem of earlier USB boxes, and they may even cost less! I
recommend GEO as a supplier -
ask if the box is not yet listed.
[Earlier comments from Arne van Belle] I have only card version, did hear that both perform the same.
But: USB is more expensive and has a weak link, the USB port itself, many have problems with USB hubs and conflicting USB software.
The USB version seems to run hot, and generally this means lower life expectancy.
So I would recommend to use the USB box only if you want to run on a
notebook and not for 24 hour operation.
PCI slot requirements
Note: The SkyStar 2 PCI DVB card requires a PCI bus
with a 5V capability. Very recent PCs with the PCI-X slots are not
compatible. Please check before you purchase a new PC!
I asked you many about the receiving hardware...and so I was able to think about a low power system.
My EUMETCast system works now very fine and so I like to tell you more about it.
Perhaps its interesting for other people (you can put it of course to the homepage as system tip,
too). I haven't had here a free and fast enough computers for running one for receiving and one for
processing. And running two extra computer was to much power money for my thinking (120 Watt each computer).
I was used to have a standalone "black box" for the old WEFAX Meteosat 7 receiver
with a small Monitor. (Grundig MST 100). And this was my dream to become again a "one black box for receiving and processing" now...
After checking out your information here and thanks specially to Arne and the OPS, I build follow system:
Small and silent heat pipe cooled barebones system Shuttle SK21G, and cheap to get, too:
- AMD Turion ML 34 Mobile CPU with 1800 MHz, needs just 35 Watt only at full power. As fast as an Athlon 3000+
- 2 GB Ram DDR 400 (the Turion runs best with fast and much ram)
- 250 GB S-Ata Samsung Serial-ATA HDD, fast , cool and 3 years
warranty ;-)
- Samsung DVD-Rom
- SkyStar 2 DVB-S-card
- Windows 2000
- RAMdrive
connected to the cheapest TFT monitor which I could get.
The trick at the CPU is, that the ML version is to get really cheap at the market (80 instead 200
Euros), because it's the "more power needed" mobile CPU of the Turion series.
The MT series need just only 25 watts. The ML is bad for battery running time, so.
But anyway at our project are 10 Watt more at power supply no problem. And so the ML cheaper then the
MT series... A normal desktop CPU costs the same money but needs more power..
Additionally, the PowerNow technology allow that Windows slow down with a special driver the
CPU to 800 MHz while receiving and animation the most time (basically 20-30 % load of windows and 30-40 degree
Celsius CPU temperature). The CPU cooler is a heat pipe with 92 mm fan.
This doesn't turn most time so, because he starts first at 50 degree Celsius.
At the mean processing times the CPU load goes up to 100%, then the CPU clocks goes to 1800
MHz and the CPU temperature went for one 1-2 minutes to 50-55 degrees. The
heat pipe fan now start turning with slower speed. Nothing to hear..just to see in the motherboard monitor.
The temperature goes down then. Fan switch off...and the processing was done.
At the same system runs MSG Manager and MSG Animator and shows the animations very greatly..
I installed 2 GB ram and make a 256 MB ramdrive "Z:". The TelliCast software save his files
temporary to the ramdrive like told by Arne's great trick. Additional I save the received images to
Z:\msgreceived\ (i.e. the RAMdisk). That's faster and keep the HDD load down.
And the turion had a great memory bandwidth. MSG Manager then catch from the
RAMdrive the pictures and process it and save it to a second partition of the HDD.
This works since some days very fine...and I have checked all services which I can get by my EKU license.
No problems with the load or missed segments
The best is the power..( checked by a special power meter without TFT). In the
main time the computer needs 30-40 watts power. Only at full load the systems needs - 45-51 Watts.
That's 25-30% of a normal computer system and 50-60% of two computers.
That saves much money for power and the invest of hardware is soon get back. (ONE
normally computer needs in Germany 400-500 Euros power at 24/365 run). And
EUMETCast is something which runs over years..
At last, if in future the satellite sends more data, the Turion CPU can easy overclock
to 230 MHz frontside bus instead 200 MHz without any more power needed, but then have 2070
MHz and 15% more power of free. I tested it out and it works fine. Even many other people in the web include a computer
magazine notice the same. But this time the 1800 MHz are more then enough.
And in future AMD will distributed a dual-core Turion too. So in worst case fall just change the
I hope its perhaps a other way of receiving hardware ... and be interesting for all
A number of people have had problems using a variety of remote
control products (including Microsoft's Remote Desktop). Typically, access to the eToken is disabled when remote
control is in use, rendering reception impossible.
It seems that the free VNC remote control software from www.realvnc.com
does not suffer from this problem, and for Windows Vista try UltraVNC,
and TeamViewer
does not stop EUMETCast reception.
Andy Eskelson (G0POY) writes:
There are several solutions, most already mentioned. Software-wise,
I'll agree that VNC is a good method. The best method is to use hardware switching.
DO NOT use simple manual switch boxes as they don't work correctly, and
will confuse the PCs. The generic name for the correct switchboxes are KVM
(Keyboard, Video, Mouse) and there are several types. The more standard type of KVM I have used dozens of.. ranging from
the ultra expensive to the cheap and nasty.
Here is a short summary of the pitfalls I have run into:
- PCs desperately want to see a mouse, most will not even boot if
they don't see one. A bit of fiddling in the bios can overcome this if you want to run
mouse-less. KVMs emulate a mouse on all ports, this overcomes this problem.
- KVMs use the power from the mouse port to sense the presence of a
PC If you are trying to make the KVM work with a mouse-less computer you can run into some real funny problems.
- Some KVMs are self powered. I've found that the units with their
own power supply are better.
- Most KVMs will only work up to a specified video resolution.
Exceed this and you will run into problems.
- Cabling - this is where I have most problems - however I do
connect dozens of computers to KVMs. (I manage a smallish computer site, currently about 400 servers to connect up, most of which are
unix/linux and we just telnet into them rather than use a GUI.)
Some KVMs use PS2 type connections on the back. This seems OK at first and generally it is (I use one such KVM at home) but when you
start getting several sets of cables plugged up, they have a very nasty tendency
to pull out, which can cause all sorts of problems,
especially if you don't notice that a lead is half pulled out. I use a bar bolted to the rear of the KVM, to which I cable tie the leads.
That overcomes the problem, but you have to do a bit of work.
Other KVMs have a special lead, with a large plug on one end, normally a 25 way D type, and this fans out to the
video, keyboard and mouse connectors at the other end. The 25 way plug has screw posts, so once
connected it stays put. This is the type I prefer to use in the computer room. The downside is that the leads are normally custom to
the KVM and are a bit more expensive than the individual leads.
- Fancy mice don't always work and are often not detected.
I've used a Logitech trackball, and a similar MS product. Loads of buttons, but
not working (I can make them work, but it's a bit of a pain). In any case, I have several different
OSes running, so I stick to the generic PS2 type mouse. (The scroll wheel works OK).
- In use the KVM is easy and fast, a "hot key" combination such as
two taps of the control key followed by a number switches to the same numbered video port.
You can always poke the button on the KVM as well if need be.
More expensive KVMs can be stacked, so that you can expand the number of computers controlled.
However I don't think you are in that sort of market :-)
Generally I prefer the hardware solution, as it does not impact on
any of the computers at all (I have two linux PC's, a windows box, my firewall box and a spare for the laptop all happily running via a
KVM) I have tried VNC, and it works, but you have to understand it's quite slow.
But as always you pay your money and take your choice.
I've tried a no-name KVM that was self powered (bought from
Maplin, but that lasted about a year and started to do funny things the end result was a non working port.
I've also tried Belkin, and that was a reasonable unit, however I found that it was not easy to expand
(you ALWAYS seem to need one more KVM port than you have). Belkin products
seem to change quite quickly. So in the end I bought an 8 port KVM REXTRON KNV108 which is a bit more professional (and expensive) than
the Belkin unit, and so far I have not have any problems with it. This site
- http://www.kvmswitchdirect.co.uk
- have lots of good info and comparisons between the various KVM products if you want to look into things a bit more.
Remote Monitoring
Arne van Belle comments: just want to add that if you only need to monitor
TelliCast on a remote PC
you can use TQ's web interface! Taken from TelliCast's Help information:
A web interface allows the easy monitoring of the Client activity.
To open the web interface:
- enter the URL "http://system:8100" into your favourite browser.
- Replace "system" by the name of the system ot for
the local PC, and "8100" by the selected port
(entry 'port', in the section [shell] in the Client Configuration File, default:
You can even monitor your RX PC on multiple PC's simultaneously, tested on
W2K and XP pro. Please note that to see the throughput diagram your browser must be Java
Example of the TelliCast HTML Shell Overview page:
The default configuration supplied by the TelliCast software places the
received data in the C:\Program Files\ folder tree, which is not really a
good place as that tree is normally reserved for system files. If you have
a single HD, I recommend a folder
named: C:\EUMETCast\received\. If you have
a second physical disk (and not just a second partition on a single hard disk),
I suggest you put the received files there. In my own case, I recommend a folder
named: D:\EUMETCast\received\. To change where the files are placed,
you need to edit the recv-channels.ini file. This file normally lives in C:\Program Files\T-Systems\BusinessTV-IP\
and you can edit it with notepad as it is a standard text file. Only edit
the lines you need to edit, leave the others!
Before the edit:
# Section per channel or channel group identified by
# channel name (wildcard "*" allowed at end of name)
After the edit:
With that configuration, you would point the
"TelliCast received files location" of my MSG Data Manager or AVHRR
Manager to: C:\EUMETCast\received.
However, you can do even better than that, and
you will need to should you wish to receive METOP data. The
[*] specified above means that all data will be put into the same directory, and
this will result in the data being much more difficult to manage. EUMETSAT
split the data into a number of different streams or channels,
and this allows you to put the data just where you want!
The MSG Data Manager allows you to place data for
channels 1..4 (and some others) into sub-directories of the "received"
directories thus:
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 1]
target_directory=C:\EUMETCast\received\Data Channel 1
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 2]
target_directory=C:\EUMETCast\received\Data Channel 2
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 3]
target_directory=C:\EUMETCast\received\Data Channel 3
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 4]
target_directory=C:\EUMETCast\received\Data Channel 4
For another example, my
own file with full-scan data from MSG-2, and MSG-1 rapid scan data on channels 5
and 6 looks like this:
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 1]
target_directory=C:\EUMETCast\received\Data Channel 1
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 2]
target_directory=C:\EUMETCast\received\Data Channel 2
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 3]
target_directory=C:\EUMETCast\received\Data Channel 3
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 4]
target_directory=C:\EUMETCast\received\Data Channel 4
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 5]
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 6]
Note that data from the streams named "Data
Channel 5" and "Data Channel 6" is put into a different directory
from the other data. Most importantly in this arrangement, you must
specify all the data channels you want to receive, otherwise you will not get
the data! If you don't specify an entry for Data Channel 3, for example,
you will get no data from GOES-E/W, MTSAT-1R or other FSD. This allows you to select just which data you want, which
minimises the load on your PC and can result in better performance.
With this configuration, you could run two
instances of my MSG Data Manager (with a different executable file name e.g.
MsgDataManager.exe and MsgDataManager-RSS.exe), and point the first instance to:
and the second instance to: C:\EUMETCast\received\RSS\
and hence process both normal-scan MSG-2 and rapid-scan MSG-1 data on the same PC. By the way, if
you do this ensure that you have at least 2GB of memory in the PC!
For example, if you are also taking some Metop (EPS) data, you
could end up with an recv-channels.ini file looking like this:
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 1]
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 2]
[EUMETSAT Data Channel 3]
# Now the MetOp data ...
# .. and more like this ....
and you would point the Metop Manager to the
received path: C:\EUMETCast\received\EPS-10\. In this example, I have deliberately not
included entries for "EUMETSAT Data Channel 5" and "EUMETSAT Data
Channel 6", so that the PC does not have to collect MSG-2 data which is
transmitted on those channels. Taking the full-scan MSG and EPS data alone taxes
the PC enough!
You should tell the TelliCast software to use
temporary files, and to place them on the same disk drive (i.e. the same
partition) as the \received\ directories. In the recv.ini file, locate the parameters section, and ensure
that the tmp_directory is correctly specified to be on the same disk partition,
so for the examples above:
Note that if you put the \received\
directories on a different disk partition (D: E: F: etc) from where the
TelliCast software is installed (e.g. C:), then you should tell the TelliCast
software to place its temporary files on the same partition as the received
files. For example, if your received directories are on drive D:, then in the recv.ini file, locate the parameters section, and ensure
that the tmp_directory is correctly specified to be on the same disk partition:
As Metop data (or other very large files) are built up
during reception, you should see the files growing in size in the D:\Temp
directory, to be moved to the final \received\ directory once they are complete.
During the latter half of 2006 we have seen a
number of unexpected interruptions to the data stream from the EUMETCast
satellite, and you may also get this in periods of local very heavy rain, or
when snow build-up blocks
your LNB! Whilst the DVB cards often recover automatically, sometimes
they do not, and you come after a hard day at work only to find a red satellite
icon and lots of data
missing! It's really annoying! There are a number of ways round this
described here. Your TelliCast software includes facilities for
recovering from data stream loss automatically. If the TelliCast
software does not detect the "announcement" channel for a certain
period, it can be configured to call a script (DOS command file) which you
provide. Indeed the TelliCast software will continue to call the script
every 60 seconds (or whatever you have set) while the problem persists. Here are three
different approaches:
I now use the retune-only variant of the second
method, and use the error-script even on the DVBWorld USB box for logging
interruptions. You can check
here to see whether other stations in Europe have lost signal.
Rather than stop and restart Server4PC, a "gentler"
method is to detune the SkyStar card and the tune it back to the correct
frequency. The snag with this method is that when retuning you need to
specify all the PIDs etc. on the command line, so the command line can become
long and complex, and you would need to alter the command line should you change
any PIDs etc. A program called b2settuner.exe is required, and that
program can be found here, together with its
documentation. There are versions for drivers V4.3.0 and V4.4.1, and the
V4.4.1 version also works with the V4.5.1 SkyStar software (only b2status.exe
tested on 64-bit Windows-7). A sample of the commands is given below. Please note
that I have made the font small purely for display purposes so that everything
fits onto a single line - use copy and paste
to put the lines into Notepad when creating your own command file.
David Taylor comments:
I note that Arne van Belle uses "b2settuner
-a eth1", and that Giuseppe Cico uses "b2settuner
-a skystar" but I found on the first system I tried that the
"-a <value>" argument does not appear to be required with
Windows. I would suggest trying a line like:
b2settuner.exe -i s -f 11977 -s
27500 -l 10600 -e 3/4 -o h -k 22 -d n -pd
100 -pd 300 -pd 301 -pd 302 -pd 500 -pd 509
-pd 510
My current use skips the "detune" line, so I just
have the line tuning the card to the correct parameters. Arne also does
Arne van Belle comments:
"As long as you use the recommended
TechniSat 4.3.0 driver and the transponder and PIDs do not change, it is OK.
Please note that the retune script also sets all PIDs! I think this will override PIDs set by server4PC but I have not tested this.
The tool does support multiple LNB switching using Diseqc but the script assumes that there is only one LNB connected to the Skystar2.
Warning, b2settuner sized 48.0 KB date 24 December 2005 10:18:00 does not work at all (just like the b2status file from this newer SDK !)"
Later comments: "[Other experiences] make me think that the
Automatic Frequency Correction (AFC) mechanism in the SkyStar software/driver is not constantly active, which is quite
disappointing. [This] makes me re-think about the way I re-tune my
SkyStar after a signal interruption. Currently I use the setdvbtuner command as this acts much
quicker but I better use the restart server4PC method!"
b2settuner.exe -a eth1 -i s -f 11977 -s 27500 -l 10600 -e 3/4 -o h -k 22 -d n -pd 100 -pd 300 -pd 301 -pd 302 -pd 500 -pd 509 -pd 510
Comments after the switch to Eurobird-9:
"There are some parameters which need changing in the scripts, including
"-k 22" which switches the LNB LO for high-band. It seems that
the "-l 10600" alone doesn't switch the LNB, but is only used in
calculation. I use just the "Set Correct Frequency" part of
the script, and don't tune away first. It causes less disruption when
accidentally triggered."
"I use re-tune only in my error-script. When it is triggered by mistake, and
the receiver is already locked, it will remain locked and I don't see any segment losses.
I never found that a de-tune was required to obtain lock again."
Here is a sample of the b2settuner.exe program in use in a TelliCast restart command script, as sent in by Giuseppe Cico
(thanks), I have updated it for Eurobird-9. You could omit the detune and
"wait" sections if you wish.
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> E:\Eumetsat\restarts\ConnectionEventlog.txt
:: Check for Error cause %1 and duration %2
IF %1==0 (
echo %date% %time% Connection to Announcement Ch.lost for %2s, detuning Server4PC...>> E:\Eumetsat\restarts\ConnectionEventlog.txt
:: detune SKYSTAR from 11977MHz
b2settuner.exe -a skystar -i s -f 11677 -s 27500 -l 10600 -e 3/4 -o h -k 22 -d n -pd 100
:: Wait 10s before retuning
ping -n 10
echo Retuning Server4PC ...>> E:\Eumetsat\restarts\ConnectionEventlog.txt
:: retune SKYSTAR to 11977MHz
b2settuner.exe -a skystar -i s -f 11977 -s 27500 -l 10600 -e 3/4 -o h -k 22 -d n ^
-pd 100 -pd 300 -pd 301 -pd 302 -pd 500 -pd 509 -pd 510
echo Server4PC retuned.>> E:\Eumetsat\restarts\ConnectionEventlog.txt
) ELSE (
echo %date% %time% Error cause %1 is unknown, duration %2s >> E:\Eumetsat\restarts\ConnectionEventlog.txt
Recommended simplified version with detune and wait sections
removed, and a simplified way of naming the event log.
REM Alter the path here to suit your own configuration
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %EVENTLOG%
REM Check for Error cause %1 and duration %2
IF %1==0 (
echo %date% %time% Connection to Announcement Channel lost for %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
echo %date% %time% Retuning Server4PC ...>> %EVENTLOG%
b2settuner.exe -i s -f 11977 -s 27500 -l 10600 -e 3/4 -o h -k 22 -d n ^
-pd 100 -pd 300 -pd 301 -pd 302 -pd 500 -pd 509 -pd 510
REM sleep 5
) ELSE (
echo %date% %time% Error cause %1 is unknown, duration %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
As before, decide on a name for this file (I suggest: RetuneServer4PC.cmd),
edit the file with Notepad to contain the contents above, suitably adapt the
file path locations for your own system, and edit the [Watchdog] section of the
recv.ini file to point to the file you have used. Here, I have assumed
that the RetuneServer4PC.cmd file is in the TelliCast working directory, and I
have set the timeout to 60 seconds because EUMETSAT have said that gaps of up to
30 seconds may occur during certain routine operations (server restarts).
In the script above you will see a line commented out: REM
sleep 5. If you have the sleep.exe program
installed, adding the "sleep 5" at that point in the script allows you
to see any messages from the b2settuner.exe
command. In a recent snow storm, I saw an error message from the
program: Error: cannot lock. If
TelliCast is running on a PC you routinely monitor, you may find this useful.
Use with the Dexatek & DVBWorld USB boxes
We have found that the Dexatek & DVBWorld USB boxes do
not suffer from the same "detune on lack of signal" problem, but you
might still want to record the events using a script like the above, but without
the retuning command:
REM Alter the path here to suit your own configuration
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %EVENTLOG%
REM Check for Error cause %1 and duration %2
IF %1==0 (
echo %date% %time% Connection to Announcement Channel lost for %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
echo %date% %time% Retuning DVB USB box ...>> %EVENTLOG%
) ELSE (
echo %date% %time% Error cause %1 is unknown, duration %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
If your DVB USB box does need retuning, you could use the
DVBreport.exe program from this download copied to
the same directory as your command script, and a command script such as:
REM Alter the path here to suit your own configuration
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %EVENTLOG%
REM Check for Error cause %1 and duration %2
IF %1==0 (
echo %date% %time% Connection to Announcement Channel lost for %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
echo %date% %time% Retuning Server4PC ...>> %EVENTLOG%
) ELSE (
echo %date% %time% Error cause %1 is unknown, duration %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
You can record the events using a script like the above, but
there is no retuning possible or required:
REM file: ErrorLog.cmd
REM Alter the path here to suit your own configuration
REM Write a delimiter to the log file
ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %EVENTLOG%
REM Check for Error cause %1 to flag "Lost" errors
IF %1==0 (
echo %date% %time% Connection to Announcement Channel lost for %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
) ELSE (
echo %date% %time% Error cause %1 is unknown, duration %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
Change the lines in recv.ini to tell TelliCast where to find the file:
ErrorLog.cmd, and what delay is required before the script is called.
Comments from Giuseppe Cico:
Just to show that the method above is not the only way
of doing things....
[Received: 2007 January 18] This is just to notify correct behaviour of my two systems on today's
outage. I've set TelliCast's recovery batch files in different ways, and both did
the job:
- PC1 (2.3 card) is set to detune/retune skystar
- PC2 (2.6D card) is set to kill/restart setup4pc
In past weeks I remember some problems with PC1, needing to restart after
killing/restart because of missing segments. Maybe detuning/retuning is really a better way.
[Received: 2009 January 09] Commands I'm using are a little different, just to fit parameters set by
EUMETSAT update for Eurobird-9. Just a little story about my moving... while editing batch file I modified
only frequencies, so at first occurrence system was offline for half a day... I missed to set 22khz parameter with "-k 22" instead of "-k 0"...
Five minutes of investigation for what was going wrong. De-tuning parameters are not really important, provided that on new
frequency there is no signal.
Experiments by Arne van Bell, EUMETSAT, and I have provided the
basis for a command script which you can customise to your own needs. But
it will need to be customised, as each system is different. You will also
need on external command - PSkill - from the sysinternals
Web site. The command script needs to stop the Server4PC process, wait
a short while, restart the Server4PC process, and log what it has done for your
own reference.
You will also need to tell the TelliCast software
that you have added this facility. You should edit the [watchdog]
section of the recv.ini file, as follows.
Note that the recovery script will be called repeatedly until the service is
restored, and the interval is set to 60 seconds in the example below. Here are the updates:
Notes on the script below:
You may find that after this script is run, you get an error
message when using the Status function from Setup4PC, and the Network ID and
Orbital position are missing from the Status display. This situation may
last until the PC is next rebooted.
REM (1) - you will need to choose a directory and file name to
save the event log entries. I suggest using a directory you already use
rather than creating a new one. If you are running EUMETCast on more than
one PC, you may want to give the event log a PC-specific name, so that log files
can be brought together centrally. You can do this automatically by using
the %COMPUTERNAME% environment variable as shown.
REM (2) - the command TaskKill appears to be available only in
Windows XP Pro, although it works if copied to XP Home. If you don't have
that command, or you are running Windows 2000, you can use the PS Kill command from sysinternals
mentioned above. Please be sure to run PS Kill at least once after
downloading it and copying to the Windows System32 directory, and accept the
Licence Agreement.
REM (3) - you need to wait a few seconds after terminating the
old Server4PC.exe. If you have the sleep.exe from the Windows Resource Kit
(free download) you can use it, otherwise the PING command can provide that
REM (4) - please check that the location of Server4PC.exe is
correct for your system.
Warning - do not attempt to use this script unless you are
100% confident you understand it!
This file should be named RestartServer4PC.cmd
and placed in a known directory, e.g. C:\Tools\
-------------- start of RestartServer4PC.cmd -----------------------------
REM This script is called if TelliCast detects an error
REM If the error number is "0", it attempts to restart
REM the Server4PC program, and logs its actions
REM You must alter the SET line below to define where the event log should be saved
REM Point to where the event log should be written. If you have more than one PC
REM you may want to give each event log a different name for central collation.
REM (1)
SET EVENTLOG=C:\Tools\ConnectionEventLog-%COMPUTERNAME%.txt
REM Write a delimiter for this event to the log file
ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %EVENTLOG%
REM Check for Error cause %1 and duration %2 parameters set by TelliCast
IF %1==0 (
ECHO %date% %time% Connection to Announcement Channel lost for %2s>> %EVENTLOG%
ECHO %date% %time% Stopping Server4PC... >> %EVENTLOG%
REM You can use TaskKill on Windows XP Professional, otherwise
REM download PSkill from the sysinternals Web site
REM (2) TASKKILL /F /IM server4pc.exe
PSKILL -t server4pc.exe
REM Wait before restarting - server4pc won't restart if another process is still running
PING -n 10
ECHO %date% %time% Restarting Server4PC ... >> %EVENTLOG%
REM You must alter the START line below to point to Server4PC.exe
REM The location shown is the normal default.
REM (4)
START "Server4PC" "C:\Program Files\TechniSat DVB\bin\Server4PC.exe"
ECHO %date% %time% Server4PC started >> %EVENTLOG%
REM - you could insert your own commands here....
) ELSE (
ECHO %date% %time% Error cause %1 is unknown, duration %2s >> %EVENTLOG%
---------------- end of RestartServer4PC.cmd -----------------------------
Prepare an account with administrator privileges, under which DVB reception is running.
Create a password for this account.
Install the DVB reception software to automatically start after logon.
Install TelliCast (NOT as a service, it will start from the startup folder).
Restart the PC to test if reception automatically starts after manual login.
Use Tweak UI (can downloaded from Microsoft for each Windows version) to enable
Open Tweak UI - Logon - Autologon, then select username and password - Apply.
Downloads: Tweak
UI for Windows XP.
Reboot system to test if reception automatically starts after automatic login.
If Windows XP, write the following three lines into a file
named autologon_XP_2000.reg:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
Run autologon_XP_2000.reg (double-click)
Write the following command into a file named
and put the file into the TelliCast working directory.
Add the following two lines under [watchdog] in
recv.ini and restart TelliCast:
Note: While working interactively on the reception station with restart enabled,
the automatic logoff - if triggered -
will close all applications immediately
and interrupt the interactive work. Therefore please disable the automatic restart
(step 8) if you want to work in the running account, or login to a different account
using the "fast user switching"
capability on Windows XP. User sessions running in parallel
will not be logged out.
To disable the automatic restart, edit recv.ini the following way and restart
To disable autologon, undo step 3:
Open Tweak UI - Logon - remove Autologon check mark - Apply
The ForceAutoLogon setting will only be active if autologon is enabled.
To disable this setting in the registry,
repeat step 5 but use "ForceAutoLogon"="0".
Please note that there may be minor
differences between Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Please check
Alan Banks comments about (6): If one is running command files such as 'MRTG', one may find that the
logoff command will not stop the task. The PC then 'hangs' with no EUMETCast reception.
An extra line needs to be added to the 'restart.bat' file before the logoff command.
taskkill /im perl.exe /f
I use taskkill in Win XP Pro. Alternatively one can use PS Kill from
One problem which you may get is missing segments. This
is when a segment of the data - typically one eighth of the scan height - is not
correctly received by the system resulting in a data gap. Even if you have
software which retains data from the previous cycle, the resulting data gap can
cause animations to be jerky rather than smooth. If you have your software
set to clear the image at the start of every scan, you may get images like the
ones below:
Normally, missing segments mainly affects the HRIT (12 channel
data) because there is more of it transmitted, but it can affect the LRIT data
including the foreign satellite data as well. There can be many causes of
missing segments, but I've divided them here into:
- Dish and RF - problems with the incoming signal before it
reaches your PC
- Driver problems - problems with the required driver and
TelliCast software
- PC loading problems
Dish and RF
If your dish is not pointing right at the satellite, any wind
may blow the dish sufficiently off-beam to cause missing segments. If the
signal strength is varying, with greater variations when it is windy, this may
be the problem.
Similarly, if the view of the satellite from the dish is
blocked, the RF signal will not be as consistent as it should be. If
problems like this develop over time, perhaps a tree is growing, and if the
problem is worse during the summer, perhaps it is caused by leaves on the trees.
Another Winter problem can be snow or ice build-up on the
antenna and perhaps the LNB. If this is a real problem for you, you can
get a heated antenna. Arne van Belle comments: The LNB can be protected against snow accumulation by a shield.
This seems to be very effective in the Scandinavian region. See http://www.degotech.de/de/dept_249.html
It is called SAT-PARAPROT : Wetterschutzhaube fur LNBs Universell verwendbar fur alle LNB-Typen. Schutzt gegen die direkte
Einwirkung von Regen, Schnee und Eis und Vogel.
Ap van Weeren reports that even with a sun-blind over his
balcony-mounted dish, the signal is OK. At least that's with a plastic
sun-blind. Positioning the aluminium blind support over the central part
of dish does affect things, though!
It is also possible that you may be getting RF interference at
the IF - 1103MHz with Ku-band reception.
Dish Mounting
The way you mount your dish can also influence how well it
responds to the wind - if the wind moves the dish it will no longer be pointing
directly at the satellite and the transient signal losses can cause missing
segments. In the worst case, your dish may be blown permanently out of
alignment, or even damaged! Here are two ways users have mounted their
This is a good example of dish
mounting. A substantial bracket has been used to attach the dish
to the house wall, and care taken to put the mounting bolts into the
bricks and not the mortar in between! |
This is a bad example. The
wall bracket is smaller but, more importantly, the dish is attached by a
small arm (you can see the cable taped to the arm) and this arm allows
the dish and arm to flex in high winds. It would have been better
to employ a mount like that on the good example, although with a greater
stand-off to allow for the fact that the angle this dish makes with the
wall is greater. |

This is a revised mounting for my own system, changed
from the
bad mounting shown above. It is designed to flex less in
the wind
and I've changed to a dual-output LNB for greater flexibility.
After Winter 2007, it does appear to be better! |
DVB Card Driver (SkyStar software)
With the PCI DVB Card and USB interface, only the SkyStar V4.3.0 drivers are
normally recommended by EUMETSAT. They supply the earlier V4.2.2 drivers
on the CD in case of problems. The current recommendation may change as
drivers are updated, of course, so be sure to check with EUMETSAT for the latest
TelliCast software version
The current required TelliCast software is V2.4.4 B and this
version must be used. There is a later version V2.4.4a which is
fine as well. This software was rolled out via EUMETCast to
registered users during late May 2006. It should have appear in your
\received\updates\ folder. The .EXE version is for Windows, and the .GZ
version is for Linux. If you don't already have this version, please
e-mail Ops (at) EUMETSAT (dot) int. You can check your version number on the HTML
PC Loading - Other Software
Any other software which you run on the PC may cause missing
segments by loading the CPU, disk or network stack on that PC. It is
recommended not to run other software on a receiver PC. If such software
must be run, then it should be run at low CPU priority. My MSG Data
Manager, MSG Animator and GeoSatSignal all provide a Drop Priority option (in
the case of the MSG Animator, this is built-in). Examples of
software which might cause trouble are:
- CPU - computationally intensive tools, image processing,
making panoramas, complex spreadsheets.
- Disk - almost anything but e.g. most disk defragmenters, the OS
itself if you don't have enough memory in your PC, acting as a file server.
- Network - browsing complex Web sites, file downloads.
- Anti-virus software - be sure to exclude any directories
used by TelliCast or your saved data from real-time anti-virus scanning.
Please note that the recommended operating systems are Windows
2000 and Windows XP. Windows 98 may not have
sufficient network resources to prevent missing segments, and cannot handle the
long file names as easily - it is not recommended.
There are indications that Windows Vista and in particular Windows-7 may be
more difficult to tame for EUMETCast, although it's not impossible. Apart
from the other considerations listed here, you will want to review the number of
automated scheduled tasks, and whether any of your segment loss periods coincide
with a particular task. A further issue is that these Windows run a Multimedia
Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS), which tries to improve A/V playback by giving
extra priority to multimedia applications, and by throttling network I/O.
This latter action may be particularly damaging to EUMETCast which relies on an
uninterrupted nwtwork and a high network bandwidth. You can control this
throttling behaviour by stopping the throttling and giving more CPU time to
non-multimedia applications. If you are comfortable with editing the
registry, try the following if you are seeing losses which do not correlate with
particular tasks: In: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\
set: NetworkThrottlingIndex to -1 (FFFFFFFF) (stops throttle)
set: SystemResponsiveness to 80 (=80% to non-multmedia) See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/948066
and: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684247%28VS.85%29 You
will need to reboot your PC after making those changes to see the effect.
Add a RAMdisk
major problem for the TelliCast software is the amount of disk I/O
required. You can alleviate many of the missing-segment problems by
placing just one file on a 80MB RAMdisk. Arne van Belle describes How
to use a RAMdisk (PDF). Members of the MSG-1 group can download
the AR-Soft RAMdisk from the Files area of the MSG-1 self-help group/
=> AR-Soft-RAMdisk.zip. If you have plenty of
memory, be careful not to set the RAMdisk size too big. Setting it to
300MB may hang the system, and require that you reboot in Safe Mode to reset the
value to a lower figure. The optimum RAMdisk size depends on what
data you take - my current (July 2008) suggestions are: for MSG + EARS-AVHRR data
80MB, for MSG + EARS-AVHRR + Metop-AVHRR data 120MB, for the full Metop data set
250MB. In late 2009 EUMETSAT were recommending a 300MB RAMdisk for the
full data stream, and I now have all my PCs set to this size. The free AR-Soft
program may not handle that size, so instead use the free Dataram
RAMdisk. There is further discussion of alternative free RAMdisks here. For
example Ap van Weeren comments: The program that made the trouble was: Trendmicro
Antispyware. It used a lot of memory and did some times the H.D. working continuously, the led
was continue on. Removing the program was the solution. Other
Missing Segment FAQs
Q: What should I do to help prevent missing segments?
A: Be sure to:
- Edit your recv-channels.ini
file to select only the data you actually want.
- Add a RAMdisk to
your system.
- Minimise the amount of logging which TelliCast does, and be
sure to use the buffered mode.
In recv.ini, replace:
Q: My disk is showing slow benchmark speeds - could
this cause missing segments?
A: Check the disk with a program like HDTach.
If the speed is much slower than expected, your PC may be running in PIO
mode. This uses much more CPU than necessary to read and write the hard
disk. Be sure to run
your disks in DMA mode!
Q: I am overclocking my motherboard and I get
occasional missing segments.
A: Assuming your signal level is OK, even just 5% overclocking may cause
segment loss. Try running you motherboard at the correct speed.
Q: I am running Windows XP and sometimes I get missing
A: Check out Microsoft
Knowledge Base article 819946.
Q: My system used to have zero missing segments, but
even though the signal strength is OK, I'm now getting occasional missing
segments. Why?
A: Try rebooting your PC, including a power-off and power-on.
Sometimes, after a major signal loss period (such as that caused by snow on the
antenna), the software or hardware doesn't recover properly, and a complete
system restart is required. If you have not already edited your
recv-channels.ini, consider doing so now.
Q: Should I defragment my disks?
A: Yes, because the usage pattern with a high data turnover is one of the
worst causes of fragmentation. However, as noted above, many defragmenter
programs can cause missing segments because of high CPU or disk I/O load.
One program which has been successful in avoiding these problems is mst
Defrag which is not expensive. There is further discussion of defragmenting software here,
include some free software.
Q: What happens if I run multiple copies of the MSG
Data Manager or other programs?
A: Except under very special circumstances, you should not run multiple
copies of my software. The exception is when you want to receive both
the standard and the rapid-scan MSG data. Normally, the software itself will warn you if you
try and do this. But if you use Windows batch files and the Windows
Task Scheduler
to try and automate the start-up of my software, be sure that you don't have two
copies running - one as one user and one as another! This is a sure way to
get missing segments, as the programs fight each other to be first to process
the data. Use the Process
Explorer to see if you have multiple copies of the software running as
different users. Note that it is normal for my software to show two
processes - these will appear together in the Process Explorer and one will be
using much more memory than the other.
Q: I have a lot of missing segments on my Pentium 4 HT
A: Disable hyperthreading in the BIOS as it is not supported by the
SkyStar2 software. Upgrade your SkyStar software to V4.3 which appears to
support hyperthreading.
Q: I have a 1Gb/s network card in use and I see a high
missed packet rate - are they related?
A: Quite possibly yes. On at least two PCs, I have seen a
significant reduction in packet loss rate by changing the network card from
1Gb/s down to 100Mb/s.
EUMETCast Troubleshooting Guide
EUMETSAT have very kindly allowed us to make the EUMETCast
Troubleshooting Guide available for general reading.