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WAN Network Timekeeping CPU/mem  EUMETCast Europe  DVB-S2 Ecast I/O Losses HVS losses RAMdisk T1/T2 Air °C  ADS-B GPS DOP SNR NTP jitter  How-to

Edinburgh Missed Packets & TelliCast RAMdisk sizes

Harstad TelliCast Graph

Main PC Harstad
Ayecka SR1 IP receiver #1
Lost packets

Penguin TelliCast Graph

PC Penguin
Ayecka SR1 receiver
Lost packets

Stamsund TelliCast Graph

PC Stamsund
Ayecka SR1 receiver
Lost packets

Harstad TelliCast Graph

Main PC Harstad
Missed packets
Recovered packets

Penguin TelliCast Graph

PC Penguin
Missed packets
Recovered packets

Stamsund TelliCast Graph

PC Stamsund
Missed packets
Recovered packets

PC Harstad
Input from Ayecka SR1 IP receiver #1
BS - after channel selection filtering
PC Penguin
Input from Ayecka SR1 network receiver
BS - after channel filtering
PC Stamsund
Input from Ayecka SR1 receiver
BS - after to channel filtering
Main receive-only PC Harstad
Ayecka SR1 #1 on private LAN, TelliCast 2.14.5
4 GB RAMdisk Z with tmp & received directories
Intel i5-4460, 8 GB, Windows-10/64 Pro
Backup receive & process PC Penguin
Ayecka SR1 #1 on private LAN, TelliCast 2.14.5
2 GB RAMdisk Z with tmp & received directories
Intel i5-8400, 32 GB, Windows-10/64 Pro
Receive & process PC Stamsund
Ayecka SR1 receiver, TelliCast 2.14.5
1300 MB RAMdisk with EUMETCast tmp directories
i5-3330, 8 GB, Windows-10/64 Pro
(Same data as Harstad)

1 TB system disk on receive only PC Harstad

System partition C
Read queue length
Write queue length

10 GB RAMdisk usage on receive-only PC Lund

Win-10/64 Pro HVS-1 & HVS-2 receive PC Lund
TBS6903 PCIe "single-cable"
All HVS-1 and all HVS-2 data (including test)
Data totalling uo to ~400 GB/day
Files in Z \EUMETCast\tmp\...
Files in Z \EUMETCast\received\...

Disks on Ayecka receive and process PC Penguin

2 TB data store D
Read queue length
Write queue length

6 TB data store F
Read queue length
Write queue length

Other periods: day week month year

Old and perhaps obsolete notes:

If using this data to size your own system, then for FSY files on a RAMdisk a general indication would be to use a RAMdisk of around 300-500 MB such as that on PC Feenix, perhaps less if you only take Meteosat-9 and Meteosat-10 data, and don't take [EUMETSAT Data Channel 4] (which now may have large MODIS L1 data files if you have requested EUMETSAT to send that data).

For a separate EUMETCast partition such as on PC Alta for use with the new TelliCast 2.5.17 or 2.12.1 client, I recommend using at least twice the peak size shown in the graphs above. These days, using up to 2 GB for a FAT32 partition should not eat into your hard disk space excessively!  Remember that the data flow can be 30-50 GB per day, so if processing stops for a period, you many want to size the disk partition for the amount of data to be collected during any processing stoppage.

One feature of the 2.5.17 and 2.12.1 clients is that as the temporary files are now on disk rather separately than in an FSY file set, when the client is restarted the older tempeorary files from the last run are not cleared out.  Therefore I am running a scheduled task to clear out data more than one day old on a nightly basis.   This will account for periods of up to two days with the temporary files occupying up to two or three times their normal disk space.   This affects both a RAMdisk or hard-disk based temporary files location on a TelliCast restart, and hard-disk based temporary files in the event of a computer restart.

PC Old-Feenix is a special case, as it collects data which is not processed, so that can amount to several GB or more before it is deleted automatically, using my TrimTree program.

Historical note: between 2010 Nov 09 and Dec 10 some 294 MB of training material was sent on a repeated daily basis, and this stayed in the "\received\Info-Channel-2\training" directories on PCs Gemini and Stamsund.  On PC Hydra, because the unprocessed EUMETCast \received\ files are deleted after 150 minutes (2.5 hours), there is less visible increase in the space used on partition T:
Please see: http://www.eumetsat.int/Home/Main/News/ProductServiceNews/801950?l=en

How to monitor disk space

Copyright © David Taylor  Edinburgh SatSignal home page Last modified: 2024 Dec 26 at 04:05:24