These pages show the network statistics of my Cable Modem and PCs. My Mercury KOB BR100 router does not support SNMP so its statistics are unavailable. On the daily summary you can see the traffic from the cable modem to Virgin Media, and from my PCs to the LAN. The other pages have daily, weekly, monthly and yearly graphs. On the NTP summary you can see how accurately, or otherwise, my PCs keep time - they use the NTP software. The EUMETCast overview page shows a data receiver running from the Eurobird-9 satellite taking EUMETCast data. Note: it should be possible to derive the traffic data from the LAN adapter in the cable modem, but this seems to give anomalous results on downstream traffic. I suspect this is due to the large number of incoming ARP packets from viruses etc. on nearby PCs. VirginMedia have now disabled monitoring of the Cable Modem, so router figures are plotted instead.
Since first using MRTG I have extended it quite a bit beyond pure network monitoring as you can see from the data listed above. With the addition of some helper programs written either in Perl or in Delphi, I can now monitor these items. However, as MRTG can only plot positive values, there are slight limitations on how some data must be displayed.