Settings to receive MSG-1 data

  *IMPORTANT NOTICE !!!!                           *
  *OMISSIONS-ERRORS-INFORMATION                    *
  *IN THE NEXT REVISION                            *
  *THANKS FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING                   *
  *                             Bepi               *
  *                 translated by Luca Bertagnolio *


This text file contains the parameters to configure a PC to receive MSG-1 data.  I will refer to Windows98 SE but all the parameters should be similar for other operating systems.

Let's starts by assuming that:

  1. The SkyStar2 card is regularly installed in the PC, with the TechniSat drivers - at least version 4.22.
  2. The dish is fitted with a universal LNB, and is pointed towards Eutelsat 9 degrees East (Eurobird-9).  Those who have a dual-feed system (two LNBs - one for Astra and the other for Eurobird-9) may be disadvantaged:  in case of configuration problems, if possible, it is best to disconnect the Astra LNB and connect only the Eurobird-9 LNB cable to the input of the SkyStar2.

IP Address of the SkyStar2 card

The IP address must be set to - subnet Mask

How to do it:

  1. Right click on Network Neighbourhood
  2. Select Properties
  3. Configuration tab: TCP/IP Broadband receiver -> Properties
  4. IP address tab: select Specify an IP address radio button
  5. Type IP Address: - Subnet Mask
  6. Reboot (on Win98)


Parameters configuration

On the Windows System Tray (bottom right hand corner of the screen) you should see an icon Setup4PC icon coloured Green or Red, this was installed by the TechniSat drivers:

  1. If the drivers are version 4.28, you can find the setting for the Eumetcast transponder in the list that appears by right clicking on the icon (just go straight to step 16)
       If the version is 4.22 you have to manually insert the parameters as follows:
  2. Right click on the icon, and select Setup4PC
  3. Choose Data Service
  4. On the left side, in the Provider Name box, click ADD
  5. Type "Deutsche Telekom", then OK
  6. On the right side, in the Transponder box, click ADD
  7. Select from the transponder list 10853 MHz horizontal (H) - if it is not there then select ADD and type 10853 MHz (H)orizontal - 27500 KS/s - FEC AUTO
  8. Name the transponder "Eumetcast"
  9. Proxy IP address
  10. Proxy Port Number 0
  11. Check the Initial Locking Transponder mark, then click OK
  12. PID: if not already there insert them in decimal (keeping the Hexadecimal box unchecked): 100, 300, 301, 500.  (Hex equivalents: 0x0064, 0x012C, 0x012D, 0x01F4.)
  13. Proxy Auto-Authentication: unselect the checkmark box (no username nor password)
  14. Mac Source: Broadband receiver
  15. Click OK and close Setup4PC
  16. Now, right clicking on the , in the menu that appears you should see Eumetcast: select it
  17. If all is well, the dot should turn from red to green.  If it stays red there must be something wrong... check again the preceding steps (hint: if it is a DiSEqC system, select Edit Satellite and configure the DiSEqC setting there)
  18. We are halfway through our process!


TelliCast Software Installation

  1. (a) Those who have the CD from Eumetsat: launch the install process from the CD and proceed until the end, when the setup asks for username and password: be careful with UPPERCASE and lowercase character which can be mixed in the password
    (b) Those who have earlier software will need to create a TelliCast folder and copy the files from the CD to that folder.  The recv.ini file in that folder has to be edited directly with your user name and password.
  2. After a reboot, the TelliCast software should automatically start from the StartUp group in Windows; those who wish to start it manually have to remove it from there
  3. The TelliCast icon in the Windows System Tray is a "T" coloured pink, yellow or red
  4. In the default Tellicast installation, the received files will end in something like: C:\Program Files\Business TVIP\TelliCast\received\Data Channel 1
  5. In the File Section of the self-help group msg_1 ?? you will find an ini file called "recv-channel.ini" which puts the three data channels contents in three easier directories:
        c:\received\data channel 1,  c:\received\data channel 2,  c:\received\data channel 3
    This file has to be overwritten to the original one in the directory where you have tqrecv.exe (possibly  C:\Program Files\Business TVIP\TelliCast\)
    [Note from David Taylor: you will want the LRIT and HRIT files to be in the same directory to use the MSG Data Manager]
  6. If the "T" icon is pink like this , right click on the icon and select "HTML Shell": you will open a local Internet Explorer page which shows the current situation
  7. If everything is OK, in Overview you'll find a graphic monitor which shows the kilobytes per second transfer rates of the files in download on your hard drive.

----------------------- If all is working then stop here!

  1. If the "T" icon is red there is something wrong: maybe the license.ini file is missing or the IP address is set wrong
  2. If the "T" icon is yellow the error is less severe
  3. In both cases in point 26 and 27 it's best to look into the log file in the directory where tqrecv.exe is, using Notepad or WordPad, to check if any error has been logged
  4. In the same self-help Group Files area you may find a minimal recv.ini ini file, to be edited with notepad (you need to type username and password) which can then be saved as recv.ini in the directory with tqrecv.exe - this could solve some installation problems
  5. The license.ini file included in the Eumetsat CD will work fine
  6. Those who want to try a version of tqrecv.exe found in the wild on the Internet will also need a valid user name and password from Eumetsat.


I hope this text file can be useful to those who are having issues in configuring the card and the rest of the setup.  I also hope there are no major mistakes or omissions, which I endeavour to correct or add in the next release of the file.  I don't consider myself responsible for any damage should occur from an improper use of this text file.

(Translated by Luca Bertagnolio, with minor edits by Roger Mawhinney and David Taylor)
(Updated for new transponder frequency after 2004 September 30)
(Updated to change Tellique to TeliCast - 2005 June 30)

Copyright © David Taylor, Edinburgh   Last modified: 2020 Jan 25 at 09:28