Web publishing of Weather Satellite Data

EUMETSAT have clarified the conditions for publishing data from their services on your Web site in December 2006.  Whilst the information below is directly from EUMETSAT, if you have any questions, please seek clarification with EUMETSAT before proceeding.  Thanks to one of the members of the Metop self-help group for starting this discussion.

French translation of this page - merci Gerard Kruger.

Official EUMETSAT Data Policy Document  (PDF format, and quite long)  

What data can I put on my Web site?

Meteosat Data and Products

  • Three-hourly Meteosat Data (i.e. images received at 0h 3h 6h 9h 12h 15h 18h and 21h UTC)
  • Meteosat Derived Products
  • Data and Products offered through the Meteosat Internet Service
  • All SAF products

Metop Data and Products

  • Metop Advanced High Rate Picture Transmission (AHRPT) Data
  • Metop Low Rate Picture Transmission (LRPT) Data
  • Metop global and regional level 1 MHS and IASI subset products
  • Metop global and regional level 2 MHS, ASCAT, GRAS, GOME-2 and IASI products

If you show any of the above data and products on your web site you must give credit to EUMETSAT’s copyright into these by displaying the terms “© EUMETSAT (year)” under each of the data and products shown.

NOAA Data disseminated through EUMETCast

  • Metop AMSU-A data
  • Metop AVHRR data
  • Metop HIRS data
  • NOAA AVHRR data
  • NOAA MHS data
  • NOAA AMSU-A data
  • NOAA HIRS data

What about older data?

You can also place EUMETSAT data and products on your website that are older than 24 hours, regardless of whether you have received them from the EUMETSAT Archive or whether they have been stored by you.

If you show any of EUMETSAT’s data and products, older than 24 hours, you must give credit to EUMETSAT’s copyright into these by displaying the terms “© EUMETSAT (year)” under each of the data and products shown.


What about Meteosat Data that requires a licence?

Meteosat licensed data and products comprise ¼-hourly, ½-hourly, 1-hourly and 3-hourly Meteosat image data and all data disseminated through the licensed Meteosat Internet service.

These products may not be placed on your web site, as the dissemination of these to third parties, including (Internet)-broadcasting is not permitted.

What about Metop Data that requires a licence?

Metop licensed data and products comprise all global and regional level 1 IASI (except for the above subset), ASCAT, GRAS and GOME-2 products. 

These products may not be placed on your web site, as the dissemination of these to third parties, including (Internet)-broadcasting is not permitted.

Following EUMETSAT's guidelines above further notes have been received:

What about Foreign Satellite Data (FSD) and Meteorological products?

With regard to the Foreign Satellite Data and the Met Products such as CRM and CLAI, these are derived products and are not licensed - which means that there are no restrictions on the use of the data.

[DJT note] FSD comprises GOES-W, GOES-E and MTSAT-1R.  Not Met-5 and Met-7.

What about DWDSAT GDS data?

[DJT note]  DWD have written to one of our group members saying:

"There are no restrictions on the use of the data and products which are included in DWDSAT data group GDS (global data set) besides the duty to quote the source of the data and products ("Deutscher Wetterdienst")."

What about NOAA data?

NOAA's FAQ at http://noaasis.noaa.gov/NOAASIS/ml/faqs.html includes information about publishing NOAA data.  The information has been translated into French by Gérard Kruger.  

3) Can I use NOAA satellite pictures on my web site, in books or other publications, educational materials, or on television?

Yes, depending on where you get the pictures.  If you get satellite pictures from a NOAA site, or generally any other U.S. Federal government site, these pictures are from NOAA. As such, they can be used if you give credit to NOAA as the source of the picture.  No other fee or permission is needed other than a credit.  If you find a picture on a NOAA or other government site that has a credit for that picture to some person or organization other than NOAA, you CANNOT use it without permission of that person or organization.  Commercial web sites (such as television stations, The Weather Channel, Intellicast, Accu-Weather, Kavouras-DTN, etc.) may have pictures from the NOAA satellites.  The pictures have been modified by these organizations and are now copyrighted property; you cannot use them without express permission of the owner.  Pictures you receive directly from a satellite with your own receiving equipment can be used with a credit to NOAA.

3) Puis-je utiliser les images des satellites NOAA sur mon site web, dans des livres ou publications diverses, comme matériel pédagogique, ou à la télévision ?

Oui, tout dépend de la source de vos images. Si elles proviennent d’un site de la NOAA, ou plus généralement d’un autre site du Gouvernement Fédéral des Etats-Unis, ces images proviennent de la NOAA.  En tant que telles elles peuvent être utilisées à condition d’indiquer une mention de crédit au profit de la NOAA.  Aucun autre droit ni autorisation ne sont nécessaires excepté cette mention.  Si vous trouvez sur un site de la NOAA ou un autre site officiel une image mentionnant un droit de propriété pour une personne ou une organisation autre que la NOAA , vous NE POUVEZ PAS en disposer sans l’autorisation de cette personne ou de cette organisation.  Certains sites web commerciaux (tels que les stations de télévision, les stations météorologiques, Intellicast, Accu-Weather, Kavouras-DTN, etc.) ont la faculté d’accéder aux images des satellites NOAA.  Ces images ont été modifiées par ces organismes et sont protégées par une mention de copyright; vous ne pouvez pas les utiliser sans l’autorisation expresse de leur propriétaire.  Les images que vous recevez directement d’un satellite grâce à un équipement personnel peuvent être diffusées avec une mention de crédit au profit de la NOAA.

Further clarification - 2008

In July 2008 EUMETSAT wrote further clarification following an enquiry from a GEO member:

  1. Other Satellite Operators: Data from other satellite operators which are received via EUMETCast are not subject to EUMETSAT copyright but to the copyright requirements of the original satellite operator.  So data from JMA or NOAA should not show the EUMETSAT copyright.  The copyright requirements for these images are set by the satellite operator and you will probably find information on this subject on their Internet sites.

  2. EUMETSAT Copyright: Regarding the copyright for EUMETSAT images, in the terms and conditions of your EUMETSAT licence there is a specific paragraph (number 4) regarding the display of the EUMETSAT copyright which reads as follows: "When displaying or publishing images based on EUMETSAT Data the Licensee shall indicate EUMETSAT's ownership of the Data, i.e. "Meteosat Data © [year] EUMETSAT".

  3. 24 Hour period: With reference to the data that you can actually show, in the terms and conditions of the 'Amateur' Educational licence for Meteosat Data it is specified that the Licensee shall not make any operational or commercial use of the Meteosat Data. Broadcasting in any form (including but not limited to Internet broadcasting) is prohibited.  However, the Licensee will have the right to publish single images based on Meteosat Data in educational/scientific journals and books.  These images can be 6-Hourly images or images older than 24 hours.  (Meteosat data older than 24 Hours is considered Archive Data and is freely available for every use).  This refers only to Meteosat Data, which means that all other data are not subject to this conditions.  Again, as mentioned above in point (1), data from other satellite operators are subject to their conditions and if you need more details regarding this you can look in their Internet sites.

Sofía R.- Valdespino
Legal and Licensing Assistant
Legal Affairs Division

Further clarification - September 2010

Did you know that you can now put 3 hourly MSG and Met 7 images on your website? Since July the new Data Policy states that 3 hourly data is now unlicensed and therefore free for you to place on your website under your current amateur license.

Here is the link to the Data Policy document on our website:


Best regards

EUMETSAT User Services

[DJT note] the EUMETSAT Web images can be found at the link below:


[DJT note] The latest image is on the link below:



Copyright © David Taylor, Edinburgh   Last modified: 2018 Feb 07 at 11:56